We are techies ... who can communicate

The market does not require generalists, but specialists. At Flowerbed we don’t know any better and think it is quite normal. Just like introducing ourselves, telling what we do and clear reporting during a project. It seems too good to be true, but it is.

Thanks to our templated way of working, best practices and experience in many different projects, we can provide an estimate of the work and time required in advance. Then it is clear in advance what we can expect from each other and afterwards we can look back with satisfaction on yet another completed project, on time and within budget.

Our specialists are always working to keep up with the latest technical developments. They know the latest product updates from our friends and can do technical research if there are issues or bug fixes need to be reported.

We don't just say this, we do it

Our specialists make miles

At Flowerbed, training and certification is part of daily work and ensures that we are involved in many projects. Those are Professional Services. We learn from this too and that is how we get a little smarter every day. This continuous improvement process is also recognized by the various manufacturers and they are happy to use Flowerbed to successfully implement and complete their customer projects. As a Professional Services Partner we help with dozens of projects at the same time and guarantee that your organization can also benefit from our best practices. Feel free to ask our ambassadors!

How can we help you?

After thinking, action follows and we are happy to give concrete examples of our activities within our Professional Services team. It goes without saying that this applies to all solutions in our friends’ portfolio and it does not matter whether that software or hardware is supplied by us (preferably). The goal of our specialists is to let you experience what you missed in the previous period, but above all that you will feel at home in our working method, personal attention (with us you can approach specialists yourself) and clear communication.


Receive a clear step-by-step plan from us that provides insight into planning, activities and goals at a glance of what the future IT infrastructure will look like. Driven by the needs of the organization, available knowledge within the IT teams and supplemented with product trends from the manufacturers.


We offer remote or on-site support and optimize the current IT environment. We believe that the transfer of knowledge is essential in a collaboration and cordially invite you to look over our shoulder and participate. To also take care of the period after delivery, we believe that good documentation with high level and low level designs is just as important as the solution itself.

Project Management

Prior to the implementation, you will receive a Plan of Action and a Statement of Work from us with an estimate of the lead time and required commitment. During the work we will keep you informed of the progress and challenges we encounter along the way. Together we make the steps towards the final goal.

Residential Engineer

After implementation, it is nice to have a moment where we can explain how a system is built and configured. This is the time for administrators to familiarize themselves with the tricks of the trade and discover the tricks of the trade in software or hardware. Our specialists periodically assist your IT organisation and provide specific hands-on knowledge on site. This way you maintain control over the IT environment or we provide temporary support.

Management & Support

Our skilled helpdesk has access to the support organization, supported by the Topdesk ticket portal for the correct follow-up of support questions. With our Service Credits we support you directly remotely or on location. In addition, we provide Proactive and recurring management services, tooling and advice to support structural improvements through a Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle.

Our Professional Services are available throughout Europe for organisations, resellers who do not have any technical knowledge in-house and manufacturers with a small technical team with simply too much work.

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